Friday, May 14, 2010

Health and Fitness Tips on Twitter

I have been on Twitter michaelwoodspg for over a year now with more than 1000 followers. In that time I have had more than 300 tweets relating (mostly) to health and fitness. Here are a few and if you get a chance sign on as a follower or just check out all fitness related tips.

-Here are 6 Mistakes That Keep You Fat - according to Men's Health -

-A good indicator of health & fitness is the waist to hip ratio. Divide your waist measurement into hip = 0.90 for men and 0.80 for women.

-A 3 wk layoff from exercise can result in a 5-10% drop in your aerobic capacity

-Listen to a great podcast on The Limits of the Human Body - @addthis

-Walking at speeds of 4.5 mph compared to 3.5 mph will expend 64% more calories over a given time period.

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