Saturday, August 28, 2010

Exercising in the Smallest Town in the Smallest State

There is always plenty of exercise in the smallest town in the smallest state. That would be Block Island in Rhode Island...if you were wondering. They have everything from biking, running, kayaking, para-sailing, beach/trail hiking or jogging to even some stair-climbing to name a few. We tried most of those activities when we were there this well as each time we go. According to the Fitbit I was wearing we hit 14,524 steps on Friday and that does not include all the biking we did. Gotta love the Block! The photo is of the stairs at one of the secluded beaches we went to. The great thing is that to get to most of the beaches (other than the town beach) you usually bike then hike in and climb down - the water and scenery - makes the effort worth while. I believe there were 144 steps - it rivals the Santa Monica stairs but with even better scenery.

If you have been there let me know what activities you tried and if you have not gone yet check it out.

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