Sunday, November 20, 2011

Nothing Like an Early Hike on Sunday Morning

Had another enjoyable hike up to Buck Hill this morning. I followed the Skyline Trail (blue/red trail markings seen on trees) for 1.5 miles before getting to the top in <30 minutes. After getting about 10 minutes of sun at the top I started back down and completed the 3 mile loop in about an hour. This is a great way to burn a few calories*, clear the head, get some fresh air and make up for some of the late night "calories" we had out last night.

*A person weighing about 235 lbs (me) expends about 13 calories/min. hiking with no or minimal load. That puts me at about 780 calories/hour according to research by Katch and McArdle. The average 163 pound individual should expect to expend about 9 calories a minute instead of the 13 that works for me. Remember though it's "not perfect math." Another great reason to keep this type of activity up throughout the Holiday season is because according to a study by Texas A&M International University, Americans will consume an extra 619 calories per day between Thanksgiving and New Year’s.

(that is roughly 40 days x 619 calories = 24,760 extra calories = a 7 lb. wt gain if your were wondering)

If activity such as this can be consistently kept up and done above and beyond your weekly exercise sessions (for me that is 2-3x/wk for circuit training and 3-4x/wk. @ 15 min sessions for interval-based cardio) then this could be just what the doctor ordered to create that negative deficit. In turn you could start to see changes in body composition; as long as your being smart with what and how much your putting into your body. So get out there and move a bit - it will do your body and mind good not to mention keep off some of those 619 extra calories a day!

Katch VL, Katch FI, McArdle WD. Exercise Physiology: Energy, Nutrition and Human Performance. 2nd ed. Lea & Febiger: Philadelphia, 1986.

Directions to Blue Hill Reservation and Buck Hill here.

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