Sunday, April 22, 2012

Movie Review: Vegucated

I had the opportunity this weekend to watch an educational and inspiring movie that was sent to me to review called Vegucated. It is a movie that everyone should watch not just from an educational perspective of the benefits of eating plant-based foods but to also witness the inhumane side of the slaughter of the animal products that we eat on a daily basis. The movie also has appearances by T. Colin Campbell, author of the China Study - a book that I would highly recommend and Joel Furhman, MD, author of Eat to Live which is another excellent read. Dr. Furhman's role in the movie is as an educator as well as the physician who does all the pre/post health screenings of the three main characters. The three New York residents in the movie all see changes with their health/blood profiles after just 6 weeks of eating a plant based diet. The movie was thought provoking and a must see for all who are looking to benefit from healthy eating not only for themselves but for our environment as well! 

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