Selected Books

This selected reading list includes books that I have recently read or that I'm currently reading. I would suggest that you do what I do - if you see something you like - buy it "used" from Amazon or a comparable site. I have purchased most of my books that way.


Art & Science of Low Carb Living, J. Volek, PhD, S. Phinney, MD, 2011)
Ultra-Metabolism, Mark Hyman, MD, Atria, 2008
Why We Get Fat, Gary Taubes, Knopf, 2011
Living Low Carb, (revised), Johnny Bowden, PhD, Sterling, 2010
In Defense of Food, Michael Pollan, Penguin, 2009
Obesity: A Reference Handbook, J. Stern, ABC-CLIO, 2009
The China Study, T. Colin Campbell, PhD, Benbella Books, 2006
The Paleo Solution, Robb Wolf, Victory Belt, 2010
The World is Fat, Barry Popkin, Ph,D, Avery Publishing, 2009
Mindless Eating, Brian Wansink, Ph.D, Bantom Books, 2006
Eat to Live, Joel Fuhrman, MD, Little Brown Co, 2003
The End of Overeating, David Kessler, MD, Rodale Books, 2009
The Fattening of America, Eric Finkelstein, Wiley and Sons, 2007
Good Calories, Bad Calories, Gary Taubes, Alfred A. Knopf, 2007


Best Weight: A Practical Guide to Obesity Management, Freedhoff, 2010
Advances in Body Composition Assessment, T. Lohman, 1992
Optimal Muscle Performance & Recovery, Ed Burke, 2003
Human Body Composition, Heymsfield, Lohman et. al, 2005
Lean Belly Prescription, Travis Stork, MD, Rodale, 2010
Physical Activity and Obesity, Bouchard and Katzmarzyk, 2011
Move a Little, Lose a Lot, James Levine, MD, PhD, 2009
The Runner's Body, Ross Tucker, PhD, Jonathan Dugas, PhD, 2009
Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights, Alex Hutchinson, PhD, 2011
Exercise for Mood and Anxiety, M. Otto, J Smits, Oxford Press, 2011
The Longevity Project, H. Friedman, Hudson Street Press, 2011
The 4-Hour Body, Tim Ferriss, Crown Archetype, 2010
Adv. in Functional Training, M. Boyle, On Target, 2010
The Impact Body Plan, Todd Durkin, Men's Health, 2010
Functional Training for Sport, M. Boyle, Human Kinetics, 2003
Athletic Body in Balance, Gray Cook, Human Kinetics, 2003
Core Performance, Mark Verstegen, Rodale Books, 2005
Athletic Development, Vern Gambetta, Human Kinetics, 2006
The No Sweat Exercise Plan, Harvey Simon, MD, McGraw-Hill, 2006
Prime Mover: A Natural History of Muscle, Steven Vogel, 2003